

Why do you need a fire risk assessment?

  • A moral duty to provide homes safe from fire
  • A legally enforced obligation (Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 – Article 9)
  • A way to minimise the risk of loss to the organisation
  • A suitable and sufficient fire risk assessment underpins fire safety

Done properly it will:

  • Show you what’s right in the premises
  • Identify areas for improvement
  • Establish priorities and timelines
  • Help you allocate your budget cost-effectively
  • Demonstrate your values as a landlord
  • Keep you compliant

Fire Clear is independently accredited to BAFE SP205 for fire risk assessments and our fire risk assessors and fire safety inspectors are suitably trained and accredited.

Fire safety inspections

Even in the best managed premises, things go wrong. Planned inspections, combined with a good fault reporting system, ensure that you find and address issues before they become a problem.

Periodic inspection of fire doors (including flat entrance doors) gives you confidence that they will perform as expected when needed.

Interim fire safety management

With experience that includes managing fire risk assessment programmes for the very largest housing associations to working with the very smallest, we understand how fire safety works in social housing.

Flexible enough to meet your precise requirement, our expertise will support your in-house teams to maximise results within your available budgets.

Fire risk assessment audit

The very best health and safety processes are based on the ‘Plan, Do, Check, Act’ model. We can use our expertise to help you check your FRA processes, giving you confidence that you are getting it right, and suggesting areas where improvements might be made.

Premises audit

How certain are you of your list of ‘in scope’ premises? During a recent survey for a client, we found that 25% of premises showing on their system as ‘blocks’, and ‘off-contract’ for FRA, required a fire risk assessment. In that case, there were more than 40 potential offences under Article 9 of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, which requires owners of dwellings with common parts to have a valid fire risk assessment.

We can also issue certificates where necessary for premises that truly are outside of the scope of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (for example, small blocks of flats where each dwelling has its own exit direct to fresh air and a place of ultimate safety), giving you certainty, and a reliable response for audit purposes.

Our Vision: Homes free from the fear of fire