About Us
Headquartered in Cambridgeshire and operating across East Anglia, the East Midlands, Greater London, and the South East, Fire Clear Ltd is registered with SSAIB, and accredited to BAFE SP205 for fire risk assessments, giving you assurance that our processes are robust, and checked periodically to ensure that you get the service you need, and the value for money you expect.
Our subscriber membership of the British Standards Institute, and our full membership of the Fire Industry Association underpins our standards-led approach to fire safety, which allied with the latest sector specific guidance, gives you confidence that our advice and recommendations are based on more than just opinion, and can be appropriately supported.
All of our fire risk assessors and fire safety equipment inspectors are suitably experienced, trained, competent, and, where appropriate, third party accredited for the work undertaken.
We work exclusively with social housing clients and have developed an intimate understanding of the requirements of the sector.
We are always happy to discuss your requirement, and are very familiar with the procurement processes you must follow. Where it’s useful, we can signpost you to specifications to assist you in detailing your exact requirement when you tender.
As a supply partner to Fusion 21 for fire risk assessments we offer a straightforward route to compliant procurement, giving you access to our services as part of a pre-approved supply chain.